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Home Décor Trend Predictions for 2023

By January 31, 2023February 13th, 2024No Comments

As the world changes, so do the designs of our homes. Popular home décor trends come and go, constantly evolving and changing to keep up with the times. So, if you’re searching for ways to keep your interior design up to snuff in the coming year, you should try to be mindful of what’s popular. That’s why we’ve taken the time to put together a list of home décor trends we predict will be popular in 2023.

8 Home Décor Trends to Look Out for in 2023

But, of course, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do all of these. Instead, you should only embrace the design styles you like, preferably ones that complement your current home design. Here are eight home décor trends you should look out for in 2023.

1. Maximalism

The days of stark, minimalistic home décor are out, and bold maximalist styling is in, primed to make a huge comeback this year. For reference, maximalism is decorating that embraces colorful, eye-catching pieces that all work together harmoniously to create a vibrant, fun atmosphere. So, the bolder, the better in 2023!

2. Minimalism

That said, if minimalism is your preferred style, don’t be too worried. There’s something timeless about a sleek minimalist décor. But if you want your home to stay relevant, you should embrace sharper lines and bold colors. That way, you can blend your favorite style with current trends.

3. Scandinavian Touches

Minimalism’s close relative is the Scandinavian trend, which adds cozy touches such as wicker baskets, wooden accents, and farmhouse-style furniture and decorations. The overall feeling of a Scandivian-style home is warm, inviting, and littered with eye-catching pieces meant to draw attention. As such, we expect to see much of this in the coming year.

4. Metallic Accents

Metallics have been a big part of home décor since the late 2010s, and their popularity is only expected to rise in 2023. And we don’t just mean industrial finishings and chrome fixtures. We’re talking about gold, brass, and bronze, too! So, this year, look for eye-catching fixtures and furniture with metallic accents to add a touch of glamour to your home.

5. Bold Colors

Soft pastels came out swinging in the early 2020s, but bold and bright colors are making a comeback this year! From turquoise and lime green to scarlet and maroon, you should expect vibrant colors to make a massive statement in home décor. If you want your home to stand out in 2023, bold colors are the way to go.

6. Marble

Marble is back in a big way, adding a hint of sophistication to furniture, counters, and floors. Its unique veining and timeless luxury make it a perfect accent piece for a design period where bold and beautiful are the topmost priorities of modern designers.

7. Stripes

After minimalism’s reign over the past few years, horizontal or vertical stripes are making a huge debut in 2023. And they’re the perfect style choice because they can be used anywhere in your home: on furniture, walls, and even floors.

8. Nostalgia

Nostalgia is a significant part of modern pop culture. And we don’t just mean watching popular remakes of old favorite films or catching up on a tv show you haven’t seen since you were a child. Nostalgia will also play a role in 2023 home décor trends. So, you can expect to see a lot more old-time wallpaper prints, classic floral furniture, and vintage porcelain kitchenware.

Looking for a New Home in 2023?

If you’re looking for a new home in 2023 and want to stay on trend, consider these design trends when searching for new homes. And if you’re searching for homes for sale in Northeast Florida, you’ve come to the right place. Our team of expert real estate agents understands the ins and outs and modern interior design and can help you find the home of your dreams. Contact us today to learn more!

And while you’re here, don’t forget to grab a free copy of our expert buyer’s guide. It contains tips and tricks from industry experts, a quick guide to the home-buying process, and a list of our most trusted local vendors.