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A Firework Safety Guide

As July 4th quickly approaches, so does the sudden desire to purchase a truckload of fireworks and shoot them off in your designated firework area. Of course, if you live in Florida, you understand that this area has a long-standing…
June 22, 2022
Best Real Estate AgentsClay County Real EstateCommercial Real EstateDuval County Real Estate AgentsFlagler CountyGreen Cove SpringsHome BuyingJacksonville Real EstateLifestyleNortheast BeachesNortheast FloridaReal Estate TrendsSt AugustineSt Johns CountyTips

Pros & Cons of Buying New Construction in 2022 If you’re thinking about buying new construction, you’re not alone. Many people like the concept of purchasing a brand-new home because it gives them the ability to customize the build and allows them to be the first to live…
June 22, 2022

The Best Surfing Spots in Northeast Florida

While Florida hasn’t always been considered the surf capital of the United States, that hasn’t hurt its thriving surf culture. Nor has it impacted the incredible tides, swells, and breaks that call Northeast Florida beaches home.  So, if you find…
June 22, 2022

Best Fishing Spots in Northeast Florida If you’re a hobby fisherman or fishing enthusiast in Northeast Florida, you’re probably constantly on the hunt for high-performing spots in the area. And why not? Here in Northeast Florida, we have a variety of fish, including tarpon, flounder,…
June 13, 2022
Clay County Real EstateCommunity ReviewFlagler CountyGreen Cove SpringsJacksonville Real EstateLifestyleNortheast BeachesNortheast FloridaSt AugustineSt Johns CountyTips

How to Create a Hurricane Survival Kit If you’re planning to relocate to Florida or any state along the Gulf Coast, hurricanes will be an unfortunate part of your reality. Thankfully, there are safety measures and protocols in place that make living in an area with…
June 8, 2022

6 Ways to Optimize Your Backyard

Whether you want to entertain guests, create a sustainable garden, or have an area devoted to rest and relaxation, your backyard is the best place to start. People spend a lot of time outdoors these days, so backyard renovations have…
June 1, 2022