As a team, we have seen too many closings fall through because of mistakes buyers make during the home buying process. Our goal is to help prevent those mistakes. It is easy fall into the trap of buying a new home, getting excited about new furniture, for that oversized master or living room, and making that purchase. We are telling you “DO NOT DO IT!” It can hinder your ability to buy your home. It could even mean, you are not able to qualify for your loan, now that the new purchase is added on.
This may seem like common knowledge, but with a 40-50% off sale staring you down, it can be difficult to turn a blind eye until you know what the repercussions are. Welch Team has created an easy to follow guide to help safeguard you from making small mistakes that can set you back from your dream home. We call it:
“The Ten Commandments of What You Shalt Not Do When Buying a Home”.
- Thou shalt not change jobs, become self-employed or quit your job.
- Thou shalt not buy a car, truck or van (or you may be living in it!
- Thou shalt not use charge cards excessively or let your accounts fall behind.
- Thou shalt not spend money you have set aside for closing.
- Thou shalt not omit debts or liabilities from your loan application.
- Thou shalt not buy furniture.
- Thou shalt not originate any kinds of inquiries into your credit.
- Thou shalt not make large deposits without first checking you your loan officer.
- Thou shalt not change bank accounts.
- Thou shalt not co-sign a loan for anyone.
Welch Team is here to help you every step of the way through your home buying process. Let us guide you in finding the best home that fits your needs. Call us today [company-phone id=1].